 From the earliest times of history,

almost everywhere in the world,

people are more interested in plants

it was a lot of benefit.,

what plants nutrients are humans

can be, which ones are medical and

they are poisonous, which trees

in the construction of wood or weapons

it is suitable for conduct

they must know.

 This is a person in the early ages

from acting with instincts

he's advanced. How is that today

herbs useful for the animal itself

if he chooses, in people in the early ages,

plants is available from

non-harmful or harmless

the ones, poisonous or nontoxic

to distinguish what happened and

they must have tried to find out.

 As yesterday, today, in this area

the only thought and purpose of employees, each

finding the right cure for the disease,

so that the sick and suffering person is good

at least your suffering

it's lightening. Disease in ancient times,

A divine punishment given by Allah,

cure, cleansing from sins

it would be considered. Treatment

medicinal plants as much as possible

was trying to find.

Yazılmış first written on medicinal plants

his works of the ancient cultural centers,

In China, India, Egypt,

We'll find it in Greece and Rome.

M.He. IV. useful in the century and

culture of medicinal plants


Lin Linum usitatissimum (flax)

culture and burial

from paintings made on its walls

it is understood.

 A civilization as old as this

the Sumerians also have dates

they grow onions, barley and

sesame seeds, today as kati

it is a known fact. It's too old again

in Chinese culture, which is also on this path

development of the Chinese Emperor

M.He. In 2700, rice every year,

in planting onions and wheat

he is known to have performed ceremonies.

Tıbbi people who deal with medicinal plants take advantage

according to the name of the plant and the disease in which it is used

they have made a classification by writing.

Again, when it is used for agricultural purposes

his name and manner of use are written. Systematic

that's how botany was born.

Tried and observed over the centuries

referencesHe. Early 2000 onwards

carefully recorded, this material is from the belt

it was developed by transferring it to the generation.

In the Mesopotamian Codex; grain, vegetables, tree

parts, spices, various weeds, for example;

Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomun cassia), myrtle tree

(Myrstus communis), thyme (Thymus), Willow (Salix)),

pear (Pyrus communis), FIR (Abies), fig

(Ficus carica), Palm (Phoenix dactylifera), poppy

(Papaver somniferum), banotu (Hyoscyamus), mint

(Mentha), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), saffron

(Crocus), Adamot (Mandragora), mustard (Sinapis)

like 250 herbal; honey, wax and Elephant oil,

180 animals, such as turtles, snakes; gypsum, copper,

detection of 120 Drogs caused by minerals such as rock salt



Eski the oldest and most important about medicinal plants

document m.He. Written in 1550 and older

Papyrus Ebers Written in detail and good

preserved papyrus rules 20 m

tall, over of mineral plants and animals

811 prescriptions with 700 Drogs obtained from the realm

is available. Here is the type of disease, necessary

the amount of medication that is, its preparation, just like today's

as clearly and accurately written. Works,

An important one that provides extensive information about Egyptian medicine

it is work. Mentha x piperita of the Egyptians

L. (mint), Sinapis nigra L. (black ochre), Cassia

acutifolia L. (Senna), Papaver somniferum L.

(poppy), Scilla maritima L. (island onion), Datura

stramonium L. he used medicinal plants such as (tatula)

it shows that it is.

Indian  history m.He. Ancient Indian dating back to the 3000s

medical methods left over from culture centuries

it has also made itself felt in the West throughout.

M.He. V. century from India

Medicine to Mesopotamia and Greek civilization and

information on medical information being sent

has. Also Dioscorides ' famous Materia

Part of the terminology in Medica

It has also been proven that it is derived from the Indian language. Old

Studying Indian Medicine in two circuits


Pharmacy in ancient India is also very developed

More than 760 Drogs were registered in Susruta.

Ayurvedic texts maceration in ancient India,

different, such as decoction, emulsion, filtration

it shows that methods are used.

Cosmetics in ancient Indian Pharmacopoeia,

elixirs, aphrodisiacs and antioxidants

it was located at. Adamot, Hawthorn, barley,

banotu, tooth, poppy, FIR, Myrtle,

liquorice, saffron, garlic, Cedar, sesame,

next to 760 plants, such as onlookers and olives

mineral origin, such as antimony, borax, Mercury

compounding drug prescriptions

were used.


Greek medicine, a thousand years after Egyptian medicine

it has developed and is a continuation of it.

Health in western Anatolia during the mythological period

more than 300 in the name of the God Asclepios

Temples called Asklepeion

references Rhodes, Kos, Trika, Athens,

Alexandria, Pergamon, etc. To the asclepion

terminally ill and during childbirth

women were not accepted.

Hippocrates, one of the famous physicians of this era

(M.He. 460-377) works, most of the ancient and Middle Ages

considered high medical knowledge, even

it even affected today's medicine.

Hippocrates medical science, an independent science

he's in his condition. About 200 with works

introduced medicinal plant. Found in works

the amount of Drogs is 400, of which

among them, most of mahmude, ebucehil

watermelon, garbage, Laurel. fennel, poppy,

herbal origin such as opium, thyme, mint

Drogs (Baytop, 2001).

Again from Greek philosophers

Aristotle Of Macedon (Aristotle)

(M.He. 384-322), plant world

scientific reviews on it

but these reviews are not practical

it was more theoretical. Botanical

the emergence of knowledge as knowledge

it starts with this. 17 to 37

20 years to the age of Magenta

Aristotle, later

he taught Alexander the great.

Earliest work written on pure Botany,

Aristotle's disciple Theophrastus (m.He.

372-285) written by. Botany

this famous Greek known as his father

the philosopher's most important work in this field: 5 volumes

"Historia plantarum" (the history of plants) dir.

In his work, his own on therapeutic substances

in addition to his knowledge, travelers and sellers

he also wrote what he learned collectively. First

this work, recognized as a book of Botany, followed by

always referenced by authors

the resource has been


Ağırlık weight of scientific research after Ancient Greece

its center passed to the Romans and in this area

The Romans have advanced. Important of the era

physician and botanist Anatolian (Tarsus)

Dioskorides or with full name, Pedanios

Dioscorides Anazarbeus (M.S. 20–79).

Dioskorides, where he travels, living in nature

he studied plants and various here

plant, mineral used against diseases and

animal ingredients are gathered and "Materia

He wrote a 5-volume work called" Medica".

About this work of Dioskorides

About 600 medicinal plants to the world of science

he introduced it. Especially herbs in his work

he must have stood on it. At that time, because

medicine meant weed science. To dioskorides

valuable work, the most in this field of his ERA

15, as is his important book. century

as far as the source of this plant science

has been.

medieval Europe

One of the important Physicians of the Middle Ages,

Claudius Galenos Of Pergamon (M.S. 129-

199). Galen's numerous works, Medicine of the Middle Ages

he has mastered his thinking. His name

today also Galenic preparations " as

it is said. Galen, approximately 540 plants

drug, 180 animal and 100 mineral substances

added. North of the Alps, Christianity

with its settlement, especially through pastors,

spreading medicinal plants, efforts are observed.

These are countless Mediterranean hometowns

medicinal and spice plant to Central Europe

in the Abbey Gardens

they started growing it. First German lady

physician Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)

His work" Physika " is important to the era

it's one of his works. This work, written in Latin,

it covers about a thousand names of animals and plants

and diseases, used against them

medicinal herbs are explained.

Insanlığın it's dark that humanity will always be ashamed of

“a little church, a little theology, a little bit"

Inquisition, some burnt human flesh

smells,” he niteleyen there.

Karanlık dark Europe of the Middle Ages, but XIXII. in the centuries, the works of Muslim scholars

nin to Latin via Andalusia and Sicily

he began to wake up with the RCMP.


Byzantine civilization

Byzantine tababet based on Christian faith

despaired of the world, sick, sinful

and a dogmatic one that appeals to the unfortunate

it was tababet. Disease and death usually

God's work was accepted. God is going to make

he would know. If he's spreading death, then he wants it

it was. A servant has the courage to resist it

couldn't show. Therefore during this period

study the course of the disease and medications

they did not value.

In the Byzantine period the real

hospitals are scarce. These are usually

it is in the form of a house of lovers and the church

it is under control and has 30-40 beds

it is under the control of the church. Byzantine

the greatest and most famous of its era

the hospital in Istanbul, which is considered as

Attached to Pantokrator Monastery

11 physicians of the hospital in 1135

and about 100 beds

how much importance is given to health care

it shows that there are few.

Islamic Civilization

Statesmen of the period in this period and

under the patronage of the caliphs himself,

Hippocrates, Galen, Dioscorides and

works of other notable physicians,

Greek or Syriac

Translated into Arabic; these translations

also through a lot of scientific works

ability to read even in remote areas

the opportunity has gained

First hospital by Muslims by Elvelid bin Abdulmalik 706

it was founded in Damascus. Later

Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Anatolia

many hospitals have been built. All

establishment of these hospitals and

the main reason for their operation is poor and

medical facilities of orphans

references At the same time

Internal Medicine and eye diseases

physicians, surgeons and pharmacists

it's a medical center where he works.

Öğretim also engaged in teaching on this subject over time

they've become institutions. Medicine

and most of the works about plants

between read and used

Materia, translated into Arabic by Dioskorides as Kitabu'lhasayish

Medica, Kitabu'n-Bah Of Dineveri

and Kitabu'n-Nabat, of Gafiki

Kitab al-edviyeti'l named mufred


 If this is the most important book of its era

From 300 written by Ibn al-Baytar

for the first time, he added more to medicine himself

1400 medicinal herbal, animal and mineral

the mosque that mentions drog

Edviye ve'l-Agdiye is his work. In this day and age

Lokman Hekim, pharmacists in the Islamic world

piri is counted. Islamic tababet

in the progress of Physicians of Turkish origin (Ibn-i

Such as Sina, Razi) have also made great contributions.

Prominent scholars of the time include

                  abu Bakr Muhammad B. Zechariah razi [854-932]

Born in Turkestan, for a while as a physician

He worked in Baghdad and Andalusia. Islamic

the largest physician pharmacist in medicine and

he's one of their philosophers. Old information their extensive

he combined it with his experience and knowledge. His

List Of Medicinal Plants 10. century medicinal plants

it's a good document. Flower

he described his illness, sulfuric acid and

he discovered formic acid, Senna,

mineral and herbal like tamarind

he studied the substances.

dinaveri dinaveri [895-992]

Abu Hanifa Ahmed bin Dawud Dinaveri

Born in Iran, Basra, Kufa and Isfahan

he is a scholar who lived in their city. Religion, language,

related to astronomy, mathematics and Botany

He has more than 20 works. Between the works

Kitab al-Bah and Kitab al-Nebat Pharmaceuticals

and the second one in the works is important in terms of

he made descriptions of plants and

he edited alphabetical lists of them.

abu reyhan biruni [973-1051]

Born in Turkmenistan and died in Ghaznavid

he is a natural sciences scholar. More than 100 works

his most important work is in his final years

Kitab-al Saydala fi al-medicine (pharmacy

book) is called. Description of the pharmacist in this book

performed; duties of pharmacist and physician

were tried to be shown. Up to 200 in the book

herbal drog is registered, among them

black pepper, carob, mahlep, son,

it is possible to count plants such as Senna.

His opinion on measuring the diameter of the Earth,

identical to today's mathematical measurements

adheres. BIRUNI rule in Europe

they are called.

abu Jafar Ahmad bin Muhammad d .1165

The greatest pharmacist of his ERA and

he is one of his botanists

ibn-i sina [980-1038]

At Afshene near Bukhara

he was born. Avicenna in the West

Ibn Sina recognized outside of Medicine

philosophy, law, mathematics and geometry

was also fully aware of the fact. His best known work,

ancient Greek medicine and Islamic medicine

synthesis law (Canon)

it is a didactic (instructive) book.

Road to the establishment of a lectern on behalf of Europe

long enough to open and widely effective

this work of Ibn Sina, which has been five


Anat a) anatomy, physiology, etiology, etc. subjects,

b b) simple drugs,

c c) organic diseases,

d d) feverish diseases, fracture-dislocations, skin


 e) treatment methods.

 What are the subjects of this work carefully examined

as far as it is seen that it deals systematically.

Construction, preservation and effects of drugs

in the work, which also gives comprehensive information about

some of the plants mentioned are: opium,

banotu, tamarind, camphor, black pepper,

kargabüken, hemp, kurtbogan, mahmude,

rhubarb, Gum, Yellow, cinnamon, etc.

Tıp his healing work is medicine, mathematics,

O like astronomy, geology, physics, chemistry, zoology

almost all existing disciplines of the period

it is a reserved book.

Ibn Ibn-i Sina, the rational medicine of Hippocrates

he watched and developed it. Medical therapeutic and

he divided it into two parts as preventive medicine.

Ibn al-Baytar [1197-1248]

On medicinal plants in Islamic history

famous work, written in 1197

Born in Málaga in 1248

Ibni el, Spanish physician who died in Damascus

Baytar named "Simple pharmaceutical substances"

it is the book. Names of solitary plants

not only does he write, but he's like Dioskorides.,

approximately 1400 drog and their

it also introduces the plants from which it is obtained.

Central Asian Turks

Drogs used: these are herbal (up to 60),

animal (up to 70) and inorganic (up to 10)

under three groups of origin

is collected. What is remarkable here is

plant origin of animal origin Drogs

he is outnumbered by what happened. However

in European and Eastern countries during the same period,

amount of plant drugs animal drugs

it's much more than the amount. This point is related to the close interest of Turkuygurs in animal husbandry


Seljuk and Ottoman civilizations

Bitkisel plant during Seljuk and Ottoman periods

drugs are used. Republican Era

de folk medicine (medical folklore) research

has been done. Anatolian man's chipped stone

Treatment of plants since the (Paleolithic) era

approximately 50,000 years and is used for the purpose

since it uses plants for various purposes

is known. Medicine of the people during the Ottoman period

requirements doctors or herbalists

with mixtures prepared by

he was being welcomed. 45 in Istanbul in 1868

2000 transfer to pharmacy,

determining the importance of transfers in public health


in summary

Use of plants for therapeutic purposes up to human history

old. Knowledge of ancient civilizations about medicinal plants,

we learn from the remaining inscriptions and archaeological materials.

Öncesi prehistoric period: chipped stone age m.He. 50 000 years

inscriptions and archaeological materials.

Mez Mesopotamian period: Sumerian, Akkadian and Assyrian m.He.3000

archaeological materials from his years.

Mısır Egyptian period: m.He. 450 recorded in a papyrus written in 1550

as many diseases and 811 prescriptions have been found, herbal and

in the treatment of diseases of animal origin drugs

it is understood that it was used.

Hit Hittite period: m.He. Hittite tablets of 1500 years

adamot, Hawthorn, barley, wheat, saffron,

plants such as garlic have been found.

Hip Greek period: the important name of the period was Hippocrates (m.He. 460-

377), detailed from 400 species of medicinal plants used during his reign

as you have mentioned. Aristotle (M.He. 384-322).

Roman and Byzantine period: First Century, Dioskorides

in his book " Materia Medica”, he wrote more than 600 medical

there is extensive information about the plant. Galen, on the other hand, developed new preparations and formulas of herbal origin.

Islamic period of Islam: Abu Biruni, Ibn during Islamic Civilization

Great physicians such as Ibn Baytar grew up in Sina. That period

Ibn-i Sina, famous Turkish scientist, more than a hundred scientific works

Left. His greatest works are “healing“and"Kanun fit-Tib".

Seljuk and Ottoman period: Muslims during this period

He knew more than 1600 medicinal plants.

 19. important examination of medicinal plants in the century

it’s done. During this period, the pharmaceutical industry also flourished.

In 1806, pure morphine alkaloid was obtained from opium and other substances.

the drug effect of morphine has been discovered. This result

research of active substances in plants encouraged, short

alkaloids of strychnine, veratrin and quinine over time, 19. century

other active substances (glycosides) from plants) ,

devices, devices, etc.) is isolated. 20. century

originally published as discovery of vitamins and antibiotics is new in science

he opened the pages. About the treatment effects of plants

the investigation is still ongoing.

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