Shahmeran Legend

The upper part of her body is a beautiful woman, and the lower part of her body is a mythological creature that finds its place in tales of Eastern culture, which is shaped like a snake. This legend takes place in the province of Tarsus in the Mediterranean region. The snakes that lived here were called Meran. Living in peace, these snakes were intelligent, compassionate, and their queen was called Shahmeran. The first person to see him was CemÅŸab, the son of a poor family who sold wood. CemÅŸab wants to extract honey from a cave with his friends, but his friends leave CemÅŸab in the cave to buy more honey. When CemÅŸab notices a hole in the cave with light leaking out, he expands this hole with his knife and sees a very beautiful garden. This garden has unique flowers, a pool and many snakes. CemÅŸab, who has lived here for many years, wins Shahmeran's trust but misses his family and shahmeran tells him that he will let him go, provided that he does not tell anyone where he is

CemÅŸab does not tell anyone where Shahmeran is until the Sultan is sick. When the vizier says that the Sultan must eat Shahmeran's meat to heal, Cemshab shows the location of Shahmeran, and seeing that Cemshab is actually upset, Shahmeran tells him to boil it and drink his water to the vizier, and feed his meat to the Sultan. The vizier dies, and the healed Sultan makes CemÅŸab his vizier. According to legend, it is rumored that snakes who did not know that Shahmeran had been killed would invade Tarsus when they found out about it.

CemÅŸab does not tell anyone where Shahmeran is until the Sultan is sick. When the vizier says that the Sultan must eat Shahmeran's meat to heal, Cemshab shows the location of Shahmeran, and seeing that Cemshab is actually upset, Shahmeran tells him to boil it and drink his water to the vizier, and feed his meat to the Sultan. The vizier dies, and the healed Sultan makes CemÅŸab his vizier. According to legend, it is rumored that snakes who did not know that Shahmeran had been killed would invade Tarsus when they found out about it.

When the Sultan's daughter becomes ill, the vizier, who intends to marry her and become a sultan, gathers the sorcerers and tells them to cure the disease. When one of the sorcerers says that the girl will be cured by boiling and drinking some parts of Shahmeran's body, the vizier searches the baths, where Shahmeran has to send people whose body is scaly to be found, and finds the man who saw Shahmeran. Adam is sent to the cave to kill Shahmeran and tells him what happened. Shahmeran tells him to keep his death a secret so that the snakes do not take revenge on the people. He boils his tail and tells the vizier to drink it so that he dies. And when he boils his torso and drinks it, the girl will be fine. And when he boils his head and drinks it, Lokman will become a doctor.

This myth has been told from generation to generation by our elders as a lesson in doing good and finding evil.

what is the prayer of the Shah, My Lord, who survives everything by giving life, there is no God but you. My Lord, the most high, the wise, you know and hear all things hidden. You're so merciful to everything. My Lord, the sole creator of all things, there is no God but you. My lord, who is unique, you are merciful and compassionate to those who have been created. My Lord, The Mighty, the Merciful, the mighty, there is no God but you. Allah, who knows all things and opens all things with wisdom, Allah, the Almighty, The Lord of the Great throne and all things, Allah, far from all heedlessness, weakness and mistakes, there is no God but you. Allah, the true heir of all beings, who will revive the dead, there is no God but you, and all the beautiful names belong only to you.

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