The key of the Prophet Solomon, also known as King Solomon majisi 15.-16. it is based on several manuscripts written in the century and found in the British Museum. These inscriptions, collectively called the key of Solomon, 'Clavicula Salomonis', consist of two parts. Chapter One The Great key is the founding of the Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn.L. It was translated into English by MacGregor Mathers and printed for the first time (previously available as a manuscript). This book is M.Ö 10. it is claimed that it was written by King Solomon, who lived in the century... Hazrat Mahdi (as) as he is known. Solomon ascended the throne during the only golden age of Jewish history, and shortly after his death Israel was divided into two parts and entered a long period of exile and disintegration. Although he built the famous temple of Solomon, Solomon was seen by the Jews as a king, not as a prophet. King Solomon, famous for his wisdom, had Hittite blood, his wife was the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh. As a powerful majician, he was mentioned in Jewish, Christian and Muslim legends. Maji was an occult science that contained Universal Information and secrets in ancient times, but then it degenerated and this information began to be used in applications related to Magic. All applications related to Majik i.e. magic; These are extremely objectionable, karma-forming actions, as they activate the law of Return, leading to unfair changes in the lines of fate indicated on people's birth maps. Violations of the law are necessarily manifested as very difficult problems, diseases, great suffering in individual lives, and the person is forced to be informed about what to do and what not to do. … This is the way the General Divine Order works... it is strictly forbidden to cast spells in spiritual teachings, the price of interfering with the fate of people is necessarily paid in the next life, and heavy karma occurs. As Astroset, we ask our esteemed readers to be careful about this sensitive issue, as we have a duty to inform them of the essence and essence of each subject.… According to some Kabbalists, King David and King Solomon were able to do wonders with the Kabbalist Majikal(magic) arts. The Pentagram(five-pointed star) was known as Solomon's Seal and the hexagram (six-pointed star) as David's shield.

Hz. Solomon's Talents

Hz. When Solomon took over the kingdom from his father David, the borders stretched from the Euphrates River to the Sinai desert. Hz. Solomon, unlike other prophets, was known to possess supernatural powers. What were these supernatural forces? Interviewing psychic beings, using the wind, using and talking animals, building stately buildings, etc. No one has heard of the temple of Solomon, the palace, built with a great architectural aesthetic, was used for the purpose of communication in those days. During the time of the Prophet Solomon, there was peace, peace and abundance in the region. As every prophet has encountered, Hazrat Mahdi (as). Solomon encountered some difficulties. The first was that he had gained this power through magic. The Sons of Israel, as always, spread rumors that he was a sorcerer. The debate about the wizard or the prophet took a long time… After the Prophet Solomon, the temple was repeatedly looted and excavated. The purpose of these cauldrons was to reach other spell books and find Solomon's treasures. The hill of Sion, where the temple is located, was repeatedly excavated by the Babylonians, Romans, Greeks, Persians, especially the Jews themselves. When Muslims invaded this place, especially to the point where the throne was located, Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be. Umar built a masjid, this Masjid today is Hazrat Mahdi (as). It is referred to as Umar Masjid or Masjid Aqsa. The purpose of building the Masjid here is to stop the excavations. Later, when the Crusaders occupied this place, the central command of the “Knights Templar” was also Masjid Aqsa. Full name of the Knights Templar; (Latin: pauperes committones Christi Templique Solomonici / Temple of Solomon and the poor soldiers of Jesus). A military sect that introduces themselves as soldiers of the Temple of Solomon. The sect was heavily influenced by the Ismailis, a branch of the Shia sect of the time. Because they wanted to access esoteric(internal) and secret information with the same thoughts, they believed that this information was found under the temple of Solomon. Many Solomon Temple variations exist today. It is believed that the interior of the palace was covered with a liquid substance, and in its garden there were various ornaments made by psychic beings. Suleiman and Saba Melikesi Belkis

The Israelites were then captured in Babylon and exiled there. The Jews who lived captive lives there learned the arts of magic from Harut and Marut, which remained with the Babylonian society. Hz. Moses and David added additional books to the book of the prophets. Kabbalah, on the other hand, began at this time as an oral tradition. Hz. Solomon M.He. Assuming that in the 900 years, we can see that the way of thinking that forms the philosophical infrastructure of the illuminati and Masonic organizations, which are the dominant power of today, developed after this date. Of Course, Hz. It is very difficult to fit the era of Solomon into such a short article. In the Qur'an, he mentions an incident similar to teleportation about the encounter of the Prophet Solomon and the Melikesi of Saba Belkis: according to the discourse, the Prophet Solomon learned about the existence of the Melikesi of Saba Belkis thanks to the bird of Hudhud who informed him:”then he came and said, “I have surrounded what you could not surround, and I have come to you with certain news from Saba. I have found a woman who rules over them, who has been given everything, and has a great throne. And I found him and his people prostrating themselves before the sun instead of Allah, and Satan made their deeds seem fair to them, so he barred them from the way, so they are not guided."(Surah Neml 22-24) On this information, Hz. Solomon sent them a letter beginning with “in the name of Allah, the Merciful, the merciful,” to invite the Sabahalkah, who did not accept Allah as a God and prostrated themselves to the sun and accepted a system that Satan had made fair to them. And he called upon all his people to submit to him. “This is from Solomon, and in the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, the Most Merciful." It is written:” do not be arrogant towards me, and come to me as Muslims." (Surah Neml 30-31) The Melikesi of Saba is a prophet who wants him to add his entire reign to him with a more precise style that he has never encountered before. Solomon was very surprised by this letter. And he chose to send him loaded gifts to dissuade this ruler, whom he was sure would surely defeat him. Hz. "When the messenger came to Solomon, he said, “Do you want to help me with wealth? What Allah has given me is better than what he has given you.nay, you may rejoice in your gift.” Go back to them, and we will come to them with armies that they will not be able to resist, and we will drive them out of it, humiliated and humiliated."(Surah Neml 36-37) Was Solomon's seal a 5-pointed star? Or was it a six-pointed star?

Various views on this issue have been the subject of conflict between Sacred religions for centuries. Although Jews who believe in Kabbalah culture argue that its icon is an inverted 5-pointed star, the general opinion assumes that Solomon used the 6-pointed star, which is the coat of arms of his father. Although the temple has been excavated for six centuries, has anything been found? It is believed that all the secrets that could have been found in the early period after Solomon were found, and the Knights Templar found the last remaining artifacts and treasures and transported them to Europe. To this day, the state of Israel is still digging under the temple. The key point of the temple is Masjid Al-Aqsa, among the rumors that there is a rock that is supposed to hang in the air under this place. Who built the temple of Solomon?

It is claimed that this widow was made by psychic beings under the leadership of Master Hiram, who is described as his son. Today, members of the Masonic lodges are also referred to as “the Sons of the widow”. The stones at the bottom of the temple are very large in size, and how they were moved to this area in the conditions of that day is still a mystery. Zachariah Sitchin is one of the historians who argues that psychic power was used in construction through magic and magic in ancient times. In more modern and scientific assumptions, he also says that Solomon knew the magnetic field theories of advanced civilizations well, and that he carried these stones according to mathematical calculations of more advanced galactic systems, was connected with some Star management systems, and received its power from the teachings and practices they taught. According to him, the history of the Baalbek temple in Lebanon is much older, and the size of the stones found basically is incredible.The stones at the bottom of the temple wall and under the ground are huge in size. How they moved is a puzzle. How the stones were cut so neatly is also a separate unknown. Just like the construction of the pyramids, there is no exact information about the construction of the Temple of Solomon, based on documents, all of which are conjecture. There are esoteric groups that claim that there are some papyrus about the truth of world history under the temple of Solomon and under the Queen's room of the pyramids, and that this is the real secret. The teachings that say that these great secrets cannot be reached because the time has not come, but in the next 50 years all secrets will be opened to humanity, add to their explanation that it is more positive to leave everything in time, and that tampering with some issues can even cause harm… It is known that the stones found in the lower part of the Baalbek Temple in Lebanon date back to much older dates than the historical temple of Solomon. The problem is where and how such large stones were transported to this region. It is estimated that the understanding of technology of ancient civilizations was based on the information they received from more advanced civilizations through people with Majic powers, and methods that we do not know now were used that Suleiman was such a person… Are the columns used in Masonic lodges related to the Temple?

Freemasons use a small replica of the Temple of Solomon to make various rituals(sacred ceremony) easier to perform. The aim is to commemorate the construction master Hiram and to base the visual of the rituals on Solomon. There are two columns in the entrance, one of which represents good and one represents evil. They are also considered the lines of good and evil that separate the sefirots of the Kabbalah. Checkered ground or Checker, also known as Checker, is common in places to distinguish entities that appear on the surface. Another view is that the floor of the Temple has a structure similar to water, and it cannot be imitated. Hz. Solomon was the Sorcerer King?

This is a common view of Jews and Kabbalists. In fact, it is a phenomenon that has also influenced popular culture at the moment. Solomon is referred to as The Witch King. In the Lord of the Rings, The Leader of the Nazguls is the Witch King. The Witch King is described as being on a black dragon, which is the same portrait of Solomon depicted in the Kabbalah. The Witch King is the leader of 3 Kings from Numenor, these are Saul, David, and Solomon, Kings in Jewish history. Three of the other six Nazguls are kings of the Kingdom of Israel State established in the North and the Kingdom of Judah state established in the South. It's an assumption, but J.R.R. It is very clear that Tolkien read Kabbalah before writing the Lord of the Rings book. In the entire book, The Battle of good and evil dates and events come from the ancient(ancient) Kabbalah tradition. Solomon's key and talisman Majisi

Both from esoteric texts and from our own Bible, we understand that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be born. Although there is evidence that he used this power in a positive way, in later periods, Solomon's power was made a symbol of the key of Solomon and tried to be used by people in various Majical practices.… It is said that Temurah, a Kabbalah method, is basically the cipher of direct displacement(devÅŸirme). Letters are replaced by prepared characters depending on a particular system. The Atbash cipher is also one of many methods described by Temurah. There is another coding technique. In this technique, words are graphically encoded and serve as Talisman Majis instead of being used in cryptograms. Origin of Talisman Majis: Clavicula Salomonis or the key of Solomon. This book,as we mentioned above, is by occult author S. It was re-compiled by Liddel Macgregor Mathers in 1888 using manuscripts in the British Museum. In his preface, the Jewish historian Josephus states that King Solomon was experienced in occult practices, and that he himself had no reason to doubt the attribution of this maji system to King Solomon. The book begins with the words: "Today, everyone knows that in ancient times, King Solomon (Solomon) acquired the knowledge he had, inspired by the wise teachings of an angel... when he neared the end of his life, he left his son Roboam a Will containing all the wisdom he had throughout his life. After that, the rabbis, who tried to gain the same knowledge, called this testament “Testament the Clavicle” or “Solomon's Key”, which they caused to be processed on the bark of trees. Five-pointed stars (pentacles) used as talismans were written on copper plates in Hebrew letters so that they could be carefully preserved in the temple built by this wise king.” What are five-pointed star Pentacles used as talismans?

Solomon's key identifies these five-pointed talisman stars with “warts”, that is, seals (drawings) created by drawing on a mysterious square according to the numerical equivalent of the letters of a name. Each sequence or column of numbers in the square should give the same result when it is collected. The whole book talisman or amulet or “Wart”although much has been written about creation, here we learn how these amulets were made in an effort to olunma than, people self-awareness, ownership of their own destiny, their birth... we believe that fulfilling the requirements of the characteristics of the map more dominant Majik come all the shortcuts and magical practices in an effort to become rich and powerful short way, requests the mobilization of the forces of evil is actually a long, hard and arduous consists of choosing a path. According to the laws of divine will, no one can shorten the path, but he must also remember that he will extend the path.... The greatest secret is that man knows himself, and true Alchemy points to man only and only to be human, to live in harmony with universal laws, to the path of universal wisdom… References: Internet Wikipedia Encyclopedia Dan Brown-Greg Taylor The True Lost Symbol Is Hazrat Mahdi (As). The Key Of Solomon-Trojan Publications.

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