Tutankhamun's death mask containing 10 kilograms of gold.

He ascended the throne at the age of 9 and died at the age of 18. He reigned from 1332 BC to 1323 BC. When his father died, he ascended the throne by marrying his half-sister Ankhesenamen, who was from another mother. In the early years of his reign, there was a return to the ancient polytheistic religion of Egypt. He also took the name Tutankhamun instead of the name Tutankhaton.

This boy king's power was ordinary. When he ascended the throne at the age of nine, the country was still awash with chaos caused by the wrong decision of his deceased father, Akhenaten, to convert Egypt from its traditional polytheistic religion to a monotheistic religion. A royal adviser named Moon used the young king as a puppet to reverse Akhenaten's policy and bring the Old Gods back to their temples.

Despite numerous theories put forward, Tutankhamun's sudden death remains a mystery. He died of malaria? Did his broken leg get gangrene? Maybe he was hurt by a hippo. King Tutankhamun was only 19 when he died. There is a large amount of research on the cause of his premature death and estimates are being made. Hypotheses range from being assassinated by his closest advisers, to a chariot accident or a disease such as malaria, to genetic bone problems (possibly due to his parents being close relatives). In recent years, the autopsy on Tutankhamun's mummy has allowed us to learn about his body. He had hips almost as wide as a young woman's, could not fully press one foot on the ground due to a trapezoid in his leg, and was gearing.

Tutankhamun's burial chamber.

Some scholars interpret the fact that the King had several broken ribs when he died and that his heart was not embalmed as the crushing blows he may have received to his chest, possibly as a result of a hippo attack during a hunt. Whatever the cause of Death, The King was hastily buried rather than quickly forgotten.

After 3,000 years, in 1922, archaeologist Howard Carter unearthed Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings. The discovery made headlines around the world. It was not Tutankhamun's tomb that affected people the most, but those who were buried with him. Carter interpreted them as” a bizarre and wonderful collection of unusual and beautiful objects." The largest and perhaps most iconic treasure was the King's mask of the Dead, which contained almost 10 pounds of gold. Other objects buried with him to ensure that he would remain strong and rich in his afterlife included a leopard-skin cape, four game boards, six chariots, 30 wine bowls and 46 bows. It took Carter almost a decade to list these 5,398 grave goods.

In Tutankhamun's Tomb, many valuables were found. However, among these valuable items, the most important find that puzzled scientists is a valuable dagger made of meteorite iron, as it is a matter of great curiosity why the ancient Egyptians used such an unusual source for the metal of the dagger when there was plenty of iron in the world. Tutankhamun is believed to be the son of Pharaoh Akhenaten and one of His Royal secondary wives, Queen Kiya, although ambiguities remain. In a study published in 2010, based on an analysis of a DNA sample taken from King Tut's mummy, it was revealed that his parents were siblings. Thanks to his glamorous Tomb, King Tutankhamun aroused great interest and contributed much more to the history of Egypt than other pharaohs did when they lived.

2. the episode, I'll tell you about Tutankhamun's Curse. 2.see you at the episode😊...

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