Personal Health

Future Hospitals

Expected Advances In Medicine

In the future, when the private sector – especially in second and third – line health care-will become widespread in different formations and patients (and healthy people) will be perceived as customers, health will become personal. The goal of getting personal is that individuals take more responsibility for their own health, gaining the ability to use their own initiatives to protect their health and deal with their diseases. Personalization of Health will bring up 3 different application models;

1Chronic Disease Management;

An important way to deal with chronic diseases that increase as the population ages is to both improve their quality of life and reduce labor losses by keeping patients under control at home and at work. “Technological home care” will be possible thanks to easy-to-use special computers developed for this job and medical devices that speak the same language and have small form factors that send vital data that they measure to these computers with different communication technologies. Portable, touch screen, voice command software, the elderly and people with disabilities can easily use any personal medical devices designed to send and receive data to the doctor in training programs, videos, hosts, devices with teleconferencing capability will be widely used in home care superior in the future. Founded in 2006, the “Continua” Working Group designs and manufactures products for personal health use with more than 280 companies that are members of it.

2Independent Life;

Over the age of 65, certain motor functions of the disabled elderly population lost to maintain their independence and their quality of life with information and communication technologies, the use of sensors and early warning systems, is one of the methods widely used in the next period. Nurses and doctors who will serve such patients will serve their workloads with mobile computers at their disposal. Smart televisions (IPTV) smartphones and tablets are widely used for this purpose.

3Wellness (wellness maintaining)

On the other hand, a healthy and young population will often use specially developed information and communication devices in the future in order to maintain their health and maintain their fitness, form and beauty.

All kinds of communication tools (smartphones, IPTV, tablet, etc.), changed forms, easy-to-move small computers, internet, health portals, applications and application models developed for them will be widely used in personal health. There are over 18,000 health apps available for iPhone/iPad use alone. Easy-to-use, portable medical devices for diseases will allow patients to measure their medical data wherever they are and send it to their doctors via the internet at the touch of a button. Wearable sensors such as watches, pendants, and athletes will be used to send vital data without interruption. Internet and health portals; access to health information, support groups, appointments, transfer of patient information, e-commerce, etc.will be used very widely.


Advances in technology will also bring about many changes in operational and application models in hospitals. The hospital of the future will have a more ‘integrated digital’ structure. This, in turn, will lead to a change in roles from a cultural point of view, professionalization and increased hospitality characteristics.

Administration and personnel

Hospitals will be managed by professional operators specializing in financing, technology, hospitality/hospitality and business management. In order to make more effective use of the digitized environment, Informatics and medical informatics topics will be added to the education system, and doctors and nurses will find areas of specialization outside of Medicine. Computer doctors, technician nurses, legal doctors, etc.... there will be professions that we will often see in the world of the future. Hospitals will be managed in the form of profit centers within themselves, as in commercial enterprises, and issues such as evidence-based performance and stock control will be important. The future will offer us a world where measurement criteria in hospitals become important, concrete measurements will be reflected in performance, there will be a continuous process of innovation and improvement, and the obtained measurement results will be used for Decision Support…


Health-related hospital architecture trends;

Along with the fact that the concept of”Healing " (spreading the state of well-being) comes to the fore, the patient's relative is supported to be with the patient, to contact, to talk. It is becoming common to add a neighborhood for the patient's relatives when designing patient rooms. This is because research has shown that the presence of a loved/trusted person in the room accelerates the healing process.

Emergency departments are designed to be the front door of the hospital in new applications. In new hospital designs, emergency room areas are growing and equipped with all the technology.

Universal operating rooms will become widespread. Heavy devices such as MRI and tomography will be inserted into the operating room via moving platforms, and shooting can be done on the operating table at the time of the operation.

Smart building app will become routine in hospitals.

Hospitals will be equipped with colors to be used in the space, from the carpet to be selected, taking into account the impact of the patient on the healing process and the satisfaction of the hospital employee.


In parallel with the development of information and communication technologies, hospitals will become increasingly digital. New application models and working patterns will emerge;

Thanks to custom-made mobile computers and powerful wireless communication technologies, hospital employees will be able to access data throughout the hospital and enter data at the beginning of the patient. This practice will reduce medical errors and shorten business processes.

Barcode and RFID applications will often be used for fast identification, fast comparison (blood-patient, mother-baby), device-patient-staff tracking, as well as preventing medical errors and accelerating business processes.

Thanks to powerful Hospital Information Systems and PACS (systems where images are taken and stored digitally), the transition to film-free and paper-free hospitals will occur, except for regulatory requirements.

applications such as erecete, eImza will become common in hospital operations.

Robotic applications will become widespread. From drug delivery to surgical procedures, the robots will be used in hospital life.

All medical data of each outpatient or inpatient patient will be collected as an “electronic patient record”. These data will be opened to the doctor in chronological information about the procedures, treatments, desired techniques and diagnoses performed in the past, causing the doctor to make a much more serious differential diagnosis and decide with more information. Evidence-based medicine will serve as an effective platform for us to be free from preventable medical errors in the future.


Near future trends in medicine; (until 2030)

Artificial intelligence will be produced that can function as many white-collar employees or even doctors and nurses working in the health sector (this will never reduce the importance of doctors and nurses)

Thanks to nanotechnological production processes, automatic devices will be produced that will be used for medical and surgical purposes when applied to the body,

Robots will be better able to see, hear, smell and feel by touching than we are, and they will have access to ranges of electromagnetic and chemical spectra that we cannot sense.

Long-life drugs will be in vogue, these drugs will offer those who use a more active, healthier and more productive life. Living healthy until the age of 100 will be considered normal. These drugs will also pose ethical problems, as they will be mainly aimed at the rich,

Mapping personal DNA profiles and using this information to protect against diseases will change the pharmaceutical industry and enable the spread of preventive drugs,

Spread of Biotechnology, stem cell and genomic drugs will also boost human intelligence,

Supercomputers, artificial intelligence and advanced medical information technology will maximise doctors ' skills in improving people's quality of life,

Personalized DNA diets will trigger long lives as they teach people what nutrients will protect their health and prevent disease,

Life-prolonging applications such as genetic vaccines and regulatory DNA surgeries, smart drugs and neuromedical devices will ensure health protection, intelligence development and beauty maintenance.

Distant future trends in medicine; (after 2030)

Holographic projection; in real dimensions, see-through holographic patient images will begin to be used. In physical spaces or online virtual environments, doctors will diagnose using these 3-D images and discuss the patient's condition with their colleagues at a distance.

Complementary reality; a technique that allows doctors wearing special glasses to see the inside of the body on virtual images during surgery.

Robotic surgery; it will become common to perform surgery with robots directed by a remote surgeon or with robots pre-programmed and monitored by a doctor.

Neural devices; Neuro-innovations will provide direct access to the brain and increase intelligence, ability and memory.

Stem cell synthetic tissues and organ creation; creation of organs and tissues in incubators for Organ Transplantation

Neurogeneration; development of spinal cord, nerve and brain cells

Clone banks for therapeutic purposes; cell storage for replacing diseased organs and creating new organs for extending life

Lifetime extension holidays

Gene Banks

As a result,

Technology will bring to our service advances in medicine and health practice that we cannot even imagine today. Remotely managed nanorobots, smart drugs, bone glue, moving operating rooms, front office robots that will work in the vein will stop dreaming in the next few decats.

It should be noted that while adapting the technology, the infrastructure is created correctly, investing in the necessary technology and providing strong and continuous training to the personnel who will use the technology. We must remember that change also demands change in our habits and lifestyle.

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