
     Sanity It describes the level at which there is no psychological good behavior or mental disorder. It is the condition of a person who is able to maintain emotional and behavioral functions at a satisfactory level.[1] from Positive Psychology and holistic perspectives, mental health can include an individual's ability to taste life and strike a balance between life activities and their efforts to gain psychological endurance.[2]

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health care, "in addition to other features, subjective well being, perceived self-competence, autonomy, competitiveness, intergenerational dependence, and intellectual and emotional to realize their potential" is included.[3] the who also states that an individual's well-being includes being able to realize their abilities, cope with daily stress, be productive and beneficial to their society.[4] cultural differences, subjective evaluations, and competing professional theories all affect how mental health is defined.


1 Mental Health and mental disorders

2 History

3 importance

4 perspectives

4.1 State of spiritual well-being

4.2 children and young adults

4.3 Prevention

4.4 cultural and religious perspective

5 emotional development

5.1 maintenance navigation

6 emotional issues

7 treatment

7.1 older treatment methods

7.2 trepanation

7.3 lobotomy

7.4 Exorcism

7.5 Modern treatment methods

7.6 pharmacotherapy

7.7 Physical Activity

7.8 activity therapies

7.9 impressive therapies

7.10 psychotherapy

7.11 meditation

7.12 Spiritual Counseling

8 Social Work in mental health

8.1 roles and functions

8.2 history

8.2.1 United States

8.2.2 Canada

8.2.3 India

9 prevalence and programs

9.1 Australia

9.2 Canada

9.2.1 institutions

9.3 Israel

9.4 United States

9.4.1 policies

10 bibliography

                  Mental health and mental disorders   [change change source]

According to the UK Journal of Surgeons (1999), mental health is the successful performance of spiritual functions that enable you to meet the requirements of productive activities and relationships with others and adapt to changes and cope with difficulties. The term mental illness, characterized by mood changes of thought and behavior related to health or danger or dysfunction refers collectively to all mental disorders, or diagnostic conditions.[5] mental health and mental disorder are two continuous concepts. People with good mental health may have a mental disorder, and people who have no mental disorder at all may have poor mental health.[6]

As well as learning difficulties, stress, loneliness, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, death of a loved one, Thoughts of suicide, grief, addiction, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), self-harm, other mental illnesses due to various emotional disorders and mental health problems in varying severity can occur.[7][8], Therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, trained nurses or doctors, therapy, counseling or medication can help manage mental illness with treatment such as.

Date   [change change source]

See also: History of mental disorders

19. in the middle of the century, William Sweetser was the first to use the term "spiritual hygiene", a concept that can be considered the ancestor of contemporary approaches to positive mental health.[9] [10] Isaac Ray, the fourth president and one of the founders of the American Society of Psychiatrists, has defined "spiritual hygiene" as the art of protecting against all events and effects that will reduce the quality of the mind, injure its energy, and hinder its movement.[10][11]

Dorothea Dix (1802-1887) was one of the key figures involved in the development of the "spiritual hygiene" movement. Dix was a school teacher who sought to help people with mental disorders and to expose the poor conditions they were forced to live in.[12] this work was known as the "spiritual hygiene movement".[12] before this act, it was not uncommon for people suffering from mental illness to be left alone in a pitiful state with an inadequate supply of clothing and neglected.[12] Dix's efforts led to an increase in the number of patients in mental health units, and care and interest in patients decreased due to insufficient staff in these institutions.[12]

In 1896, Emil Kraepelin developed the taxonomy of mental disorders that would dominate the field for 80 years. Later, the proposed disease model of the abnormality was analyzed, and it was accepted that the state of normality was relative to the physical, geographic, and cultural dimensions of the group Concerned.[citation needed]

In the early 20th century, Clifford Beers founded the "Mental Health America-National Committee on Mental Hygiene"after the publication of "a mind that finds itself"in 1908, based on his experiences in a mental hospital, and later opened the first outpatient mental health clinic in the United States.[13][14]

The "mental hygiene movement" associated with the social hygiene movement was at times associated with eugenics and defense of sterilization, which concerned those deemed too mentally incompetent to be directed to productive work and happy family life.[15] [16] in the post-World War II years, the term "spiritual hygiene" was gradually replaced by the term "mental health" due to the positive characteristics of health services that developed towards preventive and supportive areas rather than the treatment of a disease.[17]

Marie Jahoda explained six key features that can be used to classify spiritually healthy individuals. These include: one's positive attitude towards one's self, personal development, integration, autonomy, correct perception of reality, and environmental authority (adaptation and healthy personal relationships).[18]

Önem  [change change source]

Mental illness is more common than cancer, diabetes or heart disease. More than 26 percent of all Americans over the age of 18 Meet the criteria for having a mental disorder.[19] World Health Organization (WHO) report, about 2.5 trillion dollars in 2010, global mental illness related to, (two thirds of the total indirect costs) estimates a cost over $ 6 trillion by 2030.[20]

Evidence from the World Health Organization suggests that almost half of the world's population is affected by mental illness, which has an impact on their self-esteem, relationships and ability to function in everyday life.[21] emotional health of individuals can affect physical health. Poor mental health can lead to problems such as substance abuse.[22]

While a healthy mind can improve quality of life, poor mental health can worsen. According to Richards, Campania, & Muse-Burk, "there is growing evidence that emotional abilities are associated with prosocial behaviors such as stress management and physical health."[22] their research also found that people who lack emotional expression have anti-social behaviors that are a direct reflection of their mental health and repressed feelings (e.g. he concluded that he was prone to drug and alcohol addiction, physical fights, vandalism.[22] adults and children with mental illness may experience social stigma that can exacerbate problems.[23]

Perspectives [change change source]

State of spiritual well-being [change change source]

Mental health can be seen as an unstable continuum in which an individual's mental health can have many different values.[24] mental well-being is often seen as a positive quality, even if the person does not have any diagnosed mental health conditions. This definition of mental health emphasizes emotional well-being, the capacity to lead a full and creative life, and the flexibility to deal with life's inevitable challenges. Some relevant definitions are formulated in the context of satisfaction and happiness.[25] many therapy systems and self-help books offer methods and philosophies that support strategies and techniques that are considered effective for further improving mental health. Positive psychology is increasingly prominent in mental health.

A holistic model of health generally includes concepts based on perspectives of Anthropology, education, psychology, religion, sociology, and theoretical perspectives from personality, Society, Clinical, Health, Developmental Psychology.[26][27]
The triple mental well-being model sees mental well-being as a concept that encompasses all three of emotional well-being, social well-being, and psychological well-being. Emotional well-being is defined as having a high level of positive emotions, while social and psychological well-being is defined as the presence of psychological and social abilities and abilities that contribute to maintaining optimal functions in everyday life. This model has received empirical support among different cultures.[28] [29] [30] Mental Health continuity-Short Form (MHC-SF) is the most common scale used to measure the triple model of mental well-being.[31][32][33]

Children and young adults  [change change source]

Mental health and stability are a very important factor in a person's daily life. Social skills, behavioral skills, and ways of thinking are just some of the characteristics that the human brain develops at an early age. Learning how to interact with others and focus on specific topics are compulsory lessons to learn. This time period extends from when we are just starting to talk to old age, when we can barely walk. Mental illness is a wide range of problems that affect a person's mood, thinking, and behavior. In the United States, about 26% of people age 18 and older have been diagnosed with some form of mental disorder. However, although there are many children who will show signs of mental disorder even at the age of three, not much is said about children with mental illness.

The most common mental illnesses in children include, but are not limited to, ADHD, autism, anxiety disorder, and depression in older children and adolescents. Having mental illness at a young age is very different from having it in your thirties. Children's brains are still in the development stage and will continue to develop until the age of twenty-five.[34] if mental illness comes into play, it becomes significantly difficult for a child to acquire the necessary skills and habits that people use throughout the day. Behavioral skills, for example, do not develop as quickly as motor or sensory skills.[34] therefore, when a child experiences an anxiety disorder, he begins to lose proper social interaction and associates many ordinary things with intense fear.[35] this can be creepy for the child because he may not understand the reason for his behavior and thoughts. Many researchers say parents should look after their children if they have any reason to believe something is not right.[34] if children are evaluated earlier, they will learn more about their illness, and treatment will become part of their daily routine.[34] for adults, the situation is different and they may not recover quickly because they are more difficult to adapt.

Mental illness affects not only the person, but also the people around them. Friends and family also play an important role in the child's mental health stability and treatment. If the child is young, it is up to the parents to evaluate their children and decide whether they need some kind of help.[36] it is a support system for friends, children and family as a whole. Living with a mental disorder is never easy, so it's always important to have people around to make the days a little bit easier. However, there are also negative factors that come with the social aspect of mental illness. Parents are sometimes held accountable for their children's illnesses.[36] also, people can talk negatively about the way parents raise their children or how the child receives their behavior from their parents. Family and friends are sometimes so ashamed of being with someone with a mental disorder that the child feels isolated and thinks that he should hide his discomfort from others.[36] in reality, hiding discomfort from people prevents the child from receiving the right amount of social interaction and treatment to thrive in today's society.

Stigma is also a well-known factor in mental illness. The Stigma is defined as" a sign of shame associated with a particular situation, feature, or person." The Stigma is used especially when it comes to the mentally handicapped. People assume that anyone with a mental problem, no matter how mild or severe, is automatically considered a destructive or criminal person. Thanks to the media, this idea has been instilled in our brains since a young age.[37] watching movies about young people with depression or children with autism makes us think that all people with mental illness are like those on TV. In reality, the media shows an exaggerated version of most diseases. Unfortunately, since many people do not know this, they continue to despise those with mental disorders. A recent study found that most young people associate mental illness with extreme sadness or violence.[38] now that children are becoming more and more open to technology and media, future generations will continue to match mental illness with negative thoughts. The media should explain that many people with disorders such as ADHD and anxiety can also live normal lives with the right treatments and should not be punished for a condition that is not in their hands.

Sueki, (2013), conducted a study called "the impact of suicide-related internet use on users' mental health: a long-term study." This study investigated the effect of suicide-related internet use on the user's suicidal thoughts, predisposition to depression, and anxiety and loneliness. The study consisted of 850 internet users; the data was obtained by filling out a questionnaire among the participants. This study showed that browsing suicide-related websites and methods used to commit suicide had a negative impact on suicidal thoughts and increased depression and anxiety tendencies. The study concluded that because suicide-related internet use negatively affects the mental health of certain age groups, reducing or controlling the likelihood of exposure to related websites may be a good measure. These findings certainly show that the internet can profoundly negatively affect our mental health.[39]

Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz said that 50 years ago children were classified as either good or bad, and today "all children are good, some are mentally healthy, others have mental disorders. he compared it by suggesting that it was evaluated as". Social control and pressure to create identity are the cause of many mental health problems among today's children.[40] a behavior or misbehavior may not be a disease, it is the use of free will, but the urgency to prescribe medications for all kinds of problems today, as well as legal overprotection and the child's status as dependent, shakes their personal selves and invades their inner development.

Avoiding  [change change source]

Mental health is traditionally defined as a combination of the absence of a mental disorder and the presence of a state of well-being. The importance of preventing mental disorders is increasing. Prevention has begun to emerge in mental health strategies, including the 2004 who "Prevention of Mental Illness" report, the 2008 EU "Mental Health pact" and the 2011 US "National Prevention Strategy".[41][42] [page specify] some commentators have argued that a pragmatic and practical approach to preventing mental disorder in the workplace would be treated in the same way as preventing physical injury.[43]

Preventing a disorder at a young age can significantly reduce the likelihood that the child will suffer from a disorder later in life and will be the most efficient and effective measure in terms of Public Health.[44] Prevention may require regular consultation of a doctor at least twice a year to detect any possible symptoms that raise mental health concerns. Similar to mandatory health screening, new laws are being announced that require mental health screening for students attending public schools across the US. Supporters of these laws hope to diagnose mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression to prevent incidents of self-harm and harming other students.[citation needed]

Cultural and religious perspective  [change change source]

Mental health is a socially constructed and socially defined concept; that is, different societies, groups, cultures, institutions and professions conceptualizing the nature and causes, determining what is mentally healthy and, if available, has many different ways in which to decide whether the interventions are appropriate.[45] therefore, different professionals will have different cultural, class, political and religious backgrounds that will affect the methodology applied during treatment.

Research has shown that there is stigma associated with mental illness.[46] in the UK, the Royal College of Psychiatry organised the changing thoughts(1998-2003) campaign to help reduce stigma.[47] because of this stigma, individuals may resist 'labeling' or deny mental health diagnoses.[48]

Family carers of individuals with mental disorders may also be subject to discrimination or stigma.[49]

Addressing and eliminating the social and perceived stigma associated with mental illness has been recognized as an important part of addressing the education of mental health issues. In the United States, the" National Alliance on Mental Illness " (NAMI) is an institution established in 1979 to represent and advocate for victims struggling with mental health issues. NAMI also helps with education related to mental illnesses and health issues such as anxiety and depression, while at the same time trying to eliminate stigma.[50] studies have shown that discrimination and social stigma behaviors are associated with worse mental health outcomes in racial, ethnic (e.g., African Americans), and sexual and gender minorities (e.g., transgender people).[51][52][53][54][55][56]

Many mental health professionals have begun to understand, or already understand, the importance of competence in religious diversity and spirituality. The American Association of psychologists explicitly states that religion should be respected. While education in spiritual and religious matters is also requested by the American Psychiatric Association, much less attention is paid to the harms that stricter and fundamentalist beliefs commonly practiced in the United States can cause.[57] [58] this theme became widely politicized in 2018, such as the creation of the Religious Freedom Task Force in July of that year.[59] in addition, many providers and practitioners in the United States believe that mental health institutions, he began to realize that he lacked the knowledge and competence of many non-Western cultures, making providers in the United States ill-equipped to treat patients from different cultures.[60]

Emotional development  [change change source]

Unemployment has been shown to have a negative impact on individuals ' emotional well-being, self-confidence, and more generally their mental health. It has been shown that increasing unemployment has a significant effect on mental health, especially in the form of depressive disorders.[61] this is an important consideration when reviewing triggers for mental health disorders in any population study.[62] to improve your emotional mental health, the root of the problem must be solved. Prevention underlines avoidance of risk factors; promotion aims to develop an individual's ability to gain positive self-respect, authority, well-being, and a sense of social cohesion.[63] it is very important to improve your emotional mental health by surrounding yourself with positive relationships. We as humans are fed by friendships and interaction with other people. Another way to improve your emotional mental health is by participating in activities that can allow you to rest and devote time to yourself. Yoga is a very good example of activity that calms the whole body and nerves. Richards, Campania and Muse-Burke, according to a research by general wellness, awareness and the importance of being aware of they believe in practicing that perhaps it was worth giving it is considered a state for purposes of, and thus to the importance of the voluntary component of awareness can affect personal care activities.

Maintenance navigation   [change change source] 

Mental health services navigation helps guide patients and families through fragmented, often confusing mental health industries. Care professionals work closely with patients and their families through discussion and collaboration to provide information on the best treatments and also provide referrals to practitioners and facilities specializing in specific forms of emotional development. The difference between therapy and care navigation is that the care navigation process provides information and directs patients to treatment rather than providing treatment. Still, care routers can offer diagnosis and treatment planning. Already many care routers are actually trained therapists and doctors. Care navigation is the link between the patient and the following treatments. Requires a medical intervention of mental health, Kessler et al incidence and treatment of mental disorders in the United States between 1990 and 2003, with a study has been clearly demonstrated. Although the incidence of mental health disorders did not change during this period, the number of patients seeking treatment for mental disorders tripled.[64]

Duygusal konular   [change change source] 

Emotional mental disorders are the biggest cause of disability worldwide. Investigating the level and severity of untreated emotional mental disorders worldwide is the top priority of the World Mental Health (WMH) survey, established by the World Health Organization in 1998.[65] [66] “neuropsychiatric diseases are the leading causes of disability worldwide and account for 37% of all healthy years of life lost due to the disease. These disorders are most devastating for low-and middle-income countries as they are unable to provide proper assistance to their citizens. Despite modern treatment and rehabilitation for emotional mental health disorders, "even economically advantageous societies have competitive priorities and budgetary constraints."

The World Mental Health Survey initiative has proposed a plan for countries to redesign their mental health systems in such a way that they make the most efficient use of resources. "The first step is the documentation of the services used and the scope and nature of the unmet needs for treatment. The second step could be to make a cross-country comparison for the use of services and unmet needs in countries with different mental health systems. Such comparisons can help uncover optimal funding, national policies and delivery systems for mental health care."

Knowledge of how to provide effective emotional mental health care has become compulsory worldwide. Most countries have incomplete information to guide decisions, incomplete or competing views on resources, and constant pressure to reduce insurance and allowances, Maalasef said. WMH surveys in Africa (Nigeria, Republic of South Africa), the Americas (Colombia, Mexico, United States), Asia and the Pacific (Japan, New Zealand, Beijing and Shanghai in China), Europe (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Ukraine and the Middle East (Israel, Lebanon) was held. Countries are classified by World Bank criteria as low income(Nigeria), low middle income (China, Colombia, South Africa, Ukraine), high middle income (Lebanon, Mexico) and high income.

Coordinated survey studies on mental health disorders, their severity and treatment were conducted in the countries mentioned above. These surveys assessed the frequency, types and adequacy of mental health service use in the 17 countries where WMH surveys were completed. WMH also examined unmet needs for treatment in strata defined by the severity of mental disorders. Research, “the number of respondents using any mental health service in 12 months, is generally lower than developing countries, and that the ratio of the gross domestic product of the country of the service areas on-site that correspond to the percentage of spending on health services tend to come showed.

The high levels of unmet need around the world are not surprising since the WHO Project ATLAS found much lower mental health spending than suggested by the size of the burdens from mental illness. Overall, low-income and middle-income countries in unmet needs, reduced health budgets of these countries have already reduced amounts of (typically < 1%) may be connected to separate mental health care, and this is equipped for non-citizens out-of-pocket expenses they trust too much about.

Treatment  [change change source] 

Older treatment methods [change change source] 

Trepanation [change change source] 

Archaeological records have shown that trepanation was a procedure used in the Stone Age to treat "headaches, insanity, or epilepsy" in various parts of the world. It was a surgical procedure used in the Stone Age. Paul Broca researched trepanation and came up with his own theory. He realized that the fractures in his skull were caused by careful surgical procedures, not by wounds caused by violence. "Doctors used sharpened stones to scrape the skull and drill holes in the patient's head"to allow the evil spirits that were bothering the patient to escape. There were several patients who died in these procedures, but the survivors were respected and believed to have “characteristics of a mystical order.”[67][68]


Lobotomy 20. over the century it has been used as a common practice of alternative treatment for mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and depression. The first modern leukotomy intended to treat a mental illness was performed in 1935 by Antonio Egas Moniz, a Portuguese neurologist. He received the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1949.[1]archived on the Wayback Machine site on November 7, 2017. The belief that mental health disorders can be treated surgically came from Swiss neurologist Gottlieb Burckhardt. After experimenting with six schizophrenia patients, he claimed that half of his patients had recovered or calmed down. According to a National Public Radio article, psychiatrist Walter Freeman thought that "excessive emotion loading leads to mental illness, and that cutting certain nerves in the brain can eliminate excessive emotions and balance a personality."[69]

"Exorcism is a religious or spiritual practice performed to remove demons or other spiritual beings believed to have from a person or region.”

Mental health conditions such as Huntington's disease, Tourette's syndrome and schizophrenia were believed to be a sign of being taken over by The Devil. This resulted in several mentally ill people being subjected to exorcism rites. Although this practice continued for a long time, 18. it declined regularly until it reached its lowest level in the century. After this date, due to the media's interest in these practices, 20. after the century rarely occurred, rising figures appeared again. Different belief systems practice exorcisms in different ways.[70]

Modern treatment methods
Pharmacotherapy is a treatment that uses drugs. Pharmacotherapy is used in the treatment of mental illness through the use of elements such as antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and lithium.

Physical Activity
For some people, physical exercise can improve mental health as well as physical. Doing sports, walking, cycling or any physical activity sometimes triggers the production of various hormones, including endorphins, which can improve a person's mood.[71]

Studies have shown that in some cases, physical activity can have the same effect as antidepressants during treatment for depression and anxiety.[72]

Activity therapies
Activity therapies, also called recreation therapy and occupational therapy, promote healing through active participation. Doing crafts can be part of occupational therapy, walks, recreation therapy. In recent years, coloring has been recognized as an activity that has been proven in many studies to significantly reduce levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety.[73]

Impressive therapies
Expressive therapies or creative art therapies are a form of psychotherapy involving art or art making. These therapies include music therapy, art therapy, dance therapy, theatre therapy, and poetry therapy. Music therapy has been proven to be an effective way to help people with mental health disorders.[74]

Main article: psychotherapy
Psychotherapy is a general term used for the treatment of mental health problems based on modern medicine and science. Gestalt therapy includes a number of schools, including psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral therapy, transpersonal Psychology / Psychotherapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy. Group therapy involves all types of therapy performed in an environment involving multiple people. It may include psychodynamic groups, expressive therapy groups, support groups, problem solving and psychoeducation groups.

Main ingredients: meditation and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
The practice of mindfulness meditation has several mental health benefits, such as causing depression, anxiety and reduced stress.[75][76][77][78] mindfulness meditation can also be effective in treating substance abuse.[79] [80] also, mindfulness meditation appears to provide positive structural changes to the brain.[81][82][83]

The Heartfulness Meditation Program has been proven by health professionals to show significant mental improvements. A study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine showed that these professionals with various stress levels were able to improve their condition after this meditation program was performed. They benefited from burnout and emotional health aspects.

People with anxiety disorders are " w.G. He participated in the stress reduction program run by Hefner War Veterans Medical Center"s mental health service hotline researchers.Participants did mindfulness meditation. After the run is finished, "it can effectively reduce symptoms of anxiety and panic awareness meditation training program, and generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder, or panic disorder with agoraphobia concluded that this reduction may help patients to continue.[84]

Spiritual Counseling
Spiritual counselors serve in a spiritual context to provide comfort and support to patients in need, and to help them better understand their problems and develop the ability to solve problems. Such counselors serve on the basis of spiritual, psychological and theological principles.[85] [is the source reliable?]

Social work in mental health
Social work in the field of mental health, also called psychiatric social work, is a process in which an individual in an environment is helped to get rid of the overlapping effect of internal and external problems. It aims at Harmony, quality of life, self-realization and personal adaptation across all systems. Mental health professionals psychiatric social workers, patients and family members, and mental health problems and mental illnesses that can cause several dysfunctions in coping with economic or social or psychiatric problems, and improved mental health and wellbeing can help to achieve their goals. They are vital members of treatment teams in the psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Departments at hospitals. They work in nursing homes that provide both outpatient and residential services, state and local governments, substance abuse clinics, correctional facilities, and other organizations that provide health services.[86]

In the United States, social workers provide most of the mental health services. According to government sources, 60 percent of mental health professionals are clinically trained social workers, 10 percent are psychiatrists, 23 percent are psychologists and 5 percent are psychiatric nurses.[87]

Mental health social workers in Japan have information about health, well-being and ability that is crucial to a person's overall well-being. They Social Services in education, mental disabilities, and as professionals allows us to provide advisory assistance for social reintegration; and the rehabilitation of victims related to counseling; daily, regular life, money and self-management after discharge, and other related matters to adapt to hospitalization and important events in residency and re-entry into working life for advice and guidance. Social workers provide individual home visits for the mentally ill and provide outreach services; specialist training and various procedural services for the home, workplace and school are coordinated. In an administrative relationship, psychiatric social workers provide counseling, leadership, conflict management, and work direction. Psychiatric social workers who provide assessment and psychosocial interventions serve as clinicians, consultants and municipal staff in health centers.[88]

Roles and functions
Social workers play many roles in mental health settings, including Case Manager, advocate, administrator and therapist. The main functions of a psychiatric social worker are promotion and prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. Social workers can also practice:

Counseling and psychotherapy
Case management and support services
Crisis intervention
Psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery
Maintenance coordination and monitoring
Program management
Program, policy and Resource Development
Research and evaluation
Psychiatric social workers conduct psychosocial assessments of patients and work to improve patient and family communication with medical team members, providing inter-professional intimacy within the team to secure patients with the best possible care and to be active partners. planning their care. Depending on the need, social workers often engage in disease training, counseling, and psychotherapy. In all areas, they are crucial to the post-care process to facilitate the careful transition to family and community. [89]

United States [change change source]

In the 1840s, Dorothea Lynde Dix, a retired Boston teacher considered the founder of the Mental Health Movement, began an expedition to change perception and the way people with mental disorders are treated. Dix was not a social worker; his profession was not established until his death in 1887. However, his life and works was adopted by early psychiatric social workers and psychiatric social worker in the hospital system in New York 1907 first Elizabeth, who is a Horton and is considered one of the pioneers of psychiatric social work.[90] the early twentieth century was a time of progressive change in attitudes towards mental illness. The Community Mental Health Centers Act was passed in 1963. This policy encouraged the de-institutionalization of people with mental illness. Later, the mental health consumer movement came in the 1980s. The consumer was identified as a person who had received or was receiving services for a psychiatric condition. People with mental disorders and their families have been supportive of Better Care. Building public understanding and awareness through consumer support has helped bring mental illness and treatment to mainstream medical and social services. In the 2000s, the focus was on the Managed Care Movement, which aimed to reduce costs and eliminate unnecessary and inappropriate care, because in principle, some can recover and progress with appropriate treatment, while many people with serious mental illness can suddenly recover.[91]

The role of social workers was influenced by the "2003 invasion of Iraq" and the "war in Afghanistan". These experts conducted their operations from NATO hospitals in Afghanistan and Iraq. They made visits to provide consulting services at frontline bases of operations. Twenty-two percent of patients were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, 17 percent with depression and 7 percent with alcohol addiction.[92] in 2009, a high level of [suicide] was captured among active-duty soldiers: 160 confirmed or suspected army suicides. In 2008, there were a record number of suicides in the Marine Corps, 52. The impact of long and repeated deployment in war zones, the dangerous and confusing nature of both wars, declining public support for wars and declining soldier morale all contributed to increased mental health problems. Military and civilian social workers are the primary service provider of the war veterans health system.

Mental health services, social workers professional members they serve in different environments with various approaches along with other top-level structured psychiatric units ranging from informal support groups from boarding a broad service network.

Canada [change change source]

In the Canadian field of Population Health, at the beginning of the history of service delivery, a role for psychiatric social workers was identified. Native North Americans considered mental problems to be indicators of the individual losing their balance with the rest of the group, especially in the context of space and belonging in general. In Indigenous convalescence beliefs, health and mental health were inseparable, so similar combinations of natural and spiritual solutions were used to address both mental and physical illnesses. These communities and families have placed great value on holistic approaches to preventive health care. Indigenous peoples in Canada have faced cultural oppression and social marginalization through the actions of European colonists and their institutions since their early periods of exploitation. The theme of culture brought with it a variety of devastation. The economic, political and religious institutions of European settlers contributed to the displacement and repression of the indigenous people.[93] [specify page]

The first officially recorded treatment practices were in 1714, when Quebec opened services for the mentally ill. In the 1830s he was active through social services, charities and church congregations. Madhouses opened in Saint John and New Brunswick in 1835, and in Toronto in 1841, when care for the mentally ill took place institutionally. Canada became a self-governing sovereign in 1867, retaining its ties to the British Crown. During this period, the age of industrial capitalism began, leading to social and economic displacement in many forms. In 1887, the madhouses were turned into hospitals, and nurses and staff were hired to care for the mentally ill. His first social work training began at the University of Toronto in 1914. In 1918, Clarence Hincks & Clifford Beers founded The Canadian Committee on Mental Hygiene, which later became the National Mental Health Association of Canada. In the 1930s, Dr. Clarence Hi
cks encouraged the Prevention of mental illness and the treatment of people suffering from the disease before they became incapacitated.

II. World War II profoundly affected attitudes towards mental health. A medical examination of the soldiers revealed that the adults, who appeared to be healthy in appearance, had mental difficulties. This knowledge changed the public's attitude towards mental health and encouraged research on preventive measures and methods of treatment. [94] in 1951, Mental Health Week was introduced in Canada.In the first half of the twentieth century, with the period that begins at the end of the 1960s kurumsuzlastirma, Psychiatric Social Work, Community-Based Care and emphasized on the importance of the medical model of diagnosis to identify and address issues of social inequalities and structural issues beyond individual focused. In the 1980s, the Mental Health Act was amended to give consumers the right to choose treatment alternatives. Later, the focus shifted to issues of workforce mental health and the environment.

India   [change change source]

The first records of mental disorders in India date back to the Vedas period (m.2000 BC-600 AD).[95] m.He. Charaka Samhita, an Ayurvedic book believed to be from the years 400-200, describes several factors of mental stability. There are also instructions on how to set up a care provider system.[96] during the same period, Siddha was a medical system in South India. Agastya the great Wise was one of the 18 Siddhas who contributed to the medical system. This system includes Agastiyar Kirigai Nool, which includes a summary of psychiatric disorders and their recommended treatments.[97] contains explanations and solutions to mental health problems in the Atharva Veda. During the Mughal period, the Unani medical system was introduced by an Indian physician, Unhammad, in 1222.[98] the current form of psychotherapy at that time was known in Unani medicine as ilaj-I-nafsani.

18. the century was a very unstable period in Indian history, contributing to the psychological and social chaos in the Indian subcontinent. Mental hospitals were developed in Bombay (Bombay) in 1745, followed by Calcutta (Kolkata) in 1784 and Madras (Chennai) in 1794. The need to establish hospitals to treat and manage British and Indian "sepoys" (military men), first employed by the British East India Company, became more evident.[99] the first act of insanity (also called Law No. 36), enacted in 1858, was later amended by a committee appointed in Bengal in 1888. Later, in 1912, the Indian Insanity Act was incorporated into this act. A rehabilitation program for people with mental illness was initiated in Mysore Mental Hospital between the 1870s and 1890s, and then an occupational therapy department was established in almost every mental hospital during this period. The program at the mental hospital was called” Work Therapy." In this program, people with mental illness were included in the field of Agriculture for all activities. This program is considered as the source of Psychosocial Rehabilitation in India.

Berkeley-Hill, superintendent of the European Hospital (now known as the Central Psychiatric Institute (CIP), founded in 1918), was deeply concerned about the development of mental hospitals in those days. Berkeley-Hill's continued efforts helped raise the standard of treatment and care, and also persuaded the government to replace the term “asylum” with “hospital” in 1920.[100] techniques similar to the current "coin-operated economy"first began in 1920, and CIP was called the “habit formation scheme” in Ranchi. In 1937, the first post of psychiatric social worker was established in the Child Guidance Clinic run by Dhorabji Tata School of Social Work. It is considered to be the first documented evidence of Social Work Practice in the Indian mental health field.

After independence in 1947, General Hospital psychiatric units (GHPU) were established to improve conditions in existing hospitals, while outpatient treatment was promoted through these units at the same time. Dr. In Amritsar Vidyasagar initiated the active participation of families in the care of people with mental illness. This was a practice ahead of its time in treatment and care. This methodology had a greater impact on social work practices in the field of mental health, particularly in reducing stigma. In 1948, Gauri Rani Banerjee, educated in the United States, started a graduate course in medical and psychiatric social work at Dhorabji Tata School of Social Work (Now TISS). Later, the first trained psychiatric social worker was assigned to the adult psychiatric unit at the yervada mental hospital in Pune in 1949.

Various parts of the country in mental health service environments, social workers were employed: in 1956, in a mental hospital in Amritsar, in 1958, the Child Guidance Clinic at the nursing school in 1960 in Delhi, Ram Manohar Lohia and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in 1962 at the hospital. In 1960, Madras Mental Hospital (Now Institute of Mental Health) employed social workers to fill the gap between doctors and patients. In 1961, a social service mission was started in NIMHANS. They addressed the psychosocial aspect of treatment in these settings. This system has enabled social work practices to have a stronger long-term impact on mental health care.[101]

In 1966, with the recommendation of the Mental Health Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health, Government of India, NIMHANS started the Department of Psychiatric Social Work and in 1968 a two-year Postgraduate Diploma in Psychiatric Social Work was initiated. In 1978, the naming of the course in psychiatric social work was changed to MPhil. Later, a PhD program was initiated. With the recommendations of the Mudaliar Committee in 1962, a Diploma in psychiatric social work was initiated at the European Mental Hospital (now CIP) in Ranchi in 1970. The Program was upgraded and later other higher education courses were added.

A new initiative to integrate mental health in India into general health care began in 1975. The Department of Health, Government of India formulated the National Mental Health Program (NMHP) and launched it in 1982. The same situation was reviewed in 1995, and based on this, the District Mental Health Program (DMHP) was launched in 1996, seeking to integrate mental health services with public health service.[102] this model has been implemented in all states and currently there are 125 DMHP centers in India.

In 1998 and 2008, The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) conducted systematic, intensive and critical reviews of mental hospitals in India. This resulted in the recognition of the human rights of people with mental illness by the NHRC. From the NHRC's report, as part of the Nmhp, funding was provided to improve the facilities of mental hospitals. As a result of the study, it was found that in the decade leading up to the joint report of the NHRC and Nimhans in 2008, there were more positive changes than in the 50 years leading up to 1998.[103] in 2016, the Mental Health Act was passed, granting and guaranteeing access to treatments legally covered by insurance. This law protects the dignity of the affected person, improves access to legal and health care, and allows free medicines.[104][105] [106] in December 2016, the disabled people Act 1995 was repealed by the Disability Rights Act 2016, which came from the bill in 2014. The bill before it became law was pushed through changes made by stakeholders to the worrying clauses in the” Equality and non-discrimination " section. The Department reduces the power of the law and allows institutions to ignore or discriminate against people with disabilities. It also allows them to discriminate using the general lack of directive required to ensure proper enforcement of the law.[107][108]

The lack of a single universally accepted licensing authority compared to foreign countries puts social workers at risk in general. However, general assemblies / councils automatically accept a university-qualified social worker, a practice-licensed professional, or a qualified clinician. The lack of a central council, along with schools of Social Work, also leads to a decline in the promotion of social workers as mental health professionals. Somehow, meanwhile, the service of social workers has made a positive impact on the mental health sector in the country, along with other allied professionals.[109]

Yaygınlık ve programlar

See also: Global Mental Health

Evidence suggests that 450 million people globally are affected by mental health disorders, with major depression ranked fourth among the most common causes of the disease worldwide. In 20 years, mental disorders are predicted to be the first cause of disease worldwide. Women are more likely to have mental disorders than men. Every year between 10 and 20 million people attempt suicide, and about a Million lose their lives.[110]

See also: Global Mental Health
A survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2008 for adults with manageable levels of serious neurosis found that about half of the population experienced mental disorders at some time in their lives, and one in five people experienced permanent disorders in the past 12 months. In neurotic disorders, 14% of the population has experienced anxiety disorder, and comorbidity disorders are the next common mental disorder that is vulnerable to substance abuse and relapses. There were obvious sex differences in his predisposition to mental health illness. It has been found that women have a high rate of mental health disorders and men have a higher risk of substance abuse. SMHWB research has shown that low socioeconomic status and high dysfunctionality in the family are proportional to the higher risk for mental disorders. A 2010 survey of adults with psychosis found that 5 out of 1,000 people in the population applied to professional mental health services for psychotic disorders, with the most common psychotic disorder being schizophrenia.[111][112]

One in five people in Canada have a mental health or addiction problem, according to statistics released by the Centre for addiction and Mental Health.[113] [citation needed] in particular, young people between the ages of 15 and 25 are vulnerable.[citation needed] major depression was found to affect 8 percent of the population, while anxiety disorder affected 12 percent of the population.[citation needed] women are 1.5 times more likely to suffer from mood and anxiety disorders.[citation needed] World Health Organization, it points out that there are significant sex differences in mental health and disease patterns.[114] [citation needed] lack of power and control over their socioeconomic status, gender-based violence, low social position, and responsibility for caring for others make women vulnerable to mental health risks.[citation needed] as more women than men seek help with mental health issues, this has reinforced not only gender stereotypes, but also social stigma. The World Health Organization (who) has found that these stereotypes cause women to be diagnosed with depression more often than men, even when their doctors show the same symptoms.Communication between health care providers and women is often authoritarian, resulting in women receiving inadequate or overtreatment.[4]

Women's College Hospital's doctors and nurses, by answering questions from the public, mental health issues in women's cooperative, and individual online because it helps to train to treat "women's mental health program named" program.[115]

Another Canadian organization serving mental health needs is the Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). CAMH is one of Canada's largest and best-known health and addiction facilities and has gained international recognition from the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization Cooperation Center. They conduct research in the areas of addiction and mental health in both men and women. CAMH mental health and addiction issues to help both men and women to help change the lives of people affected by "clinical care, research, education, policy development and health promotion services.[116] CAMH differs from the women's College Hospital with its well-known Rehabilitation Center for women, from minor addiction problems to serious problems. This organization provides care for mental health issues through assessments, interventions, housing programs, treatments, and physician and family support.[116]

A mental health insurance reform was enacted in Israel in 2015, transferring responsibility for providing mental health services from the Ministry of Health to four national health plans. Physical and mental health care were combined under one roof; they had previously maintained their functions separately in terms of funding, location and provider. With the reform, health plans have developed new services or expanded existing ones to address mental health issues.[117]

United States
According to the World Health Organization, in 2004, depression is the leading cause of disability for individuals aged between 15 and 44 in the United States.[118] the cost of Labor loss due to the depression in the United States is estimated to be over $ 31 billion per year. Depression often occurs along with various medical conditions, such as heart disease, cancer, and chronic pain, and is associated with poor health and adverse disease course.[119] every year, about 30,000 Americans take their own lives, while hundreds of thousands attempt suicide. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)[120] in 2004, suicide was the eleventh leading cause of death overall in the United States, and the third leading cause of death among ages 15-24. Despite an increasing number of effective depression treatments, the level of unmet need for treatment remains high.[citation needed] by comparison, a study conducted in Australia between 2006 and 2007 found that a third of patients diagnosed with a mental health disorder went to health services for treatment.[121]

There are many factors that affect mental health, including:

As a result, this is the result of a combination of three factors: mental disorders, disability and suicide; the possibility and use of access to biology, environment and mental health programs.
Social health policies affect transportation and use, and they can improve mental health and lead to improvements in the negative consequences of depression and associated disability.
Emotional mental disorders need to be especially concerned in the United States because in the U.S. 14 developing and developed countries have the highest annual rate of mental disorders (26 percent) by comparison.[122] Ultimately, 80 percent of people with mental disorders in the United States, they see some kind of cure, but on average, people treated after almost 10 years in the development of mental disorders and access to treatment to be treated less than a third of the employees they provide the minimum.[123] the state offers programs and services to everyone, but war veterans receive the most assistance, and certain conditions must be met to benefit from these services.[124]

Mental health programs in the United States has undergone four major reforms: Dorethea Dix in 1843, initiated by the movement of American Mental Hospitals; Clifford Beers in 1908, with inspiration from "mental hygiene" movement; a movement initiated by the movement for kurumsuzlastirilm mental health in 1961; and the social movement envisioned by the 1975 law changes CMCH support.[125]

In 1843, Dorothea Dix presented to the Massachusetts Legislature a document describing the ill-treatment of the mentally ill in prisons, cages, and aldomines, and the terrible conditions in which they were found. It said: "Gentlemen, in short, I would like to draw your attention to the current situation of mental patients being held in cages, cabinets, warehouses, barns and coops within this community of states. Chained, naked, beaten and flogged for obedience..."[126] during this period, many mental hospitals were built that separated patients from other community members, where there were high fences or walls and strict rules regarding entry and exit. This traditional treatments in mental hospitals, drugs to treat a disease, not as a way to reset the balance in the body of a person to be a healthy diet, fresh air, middle class culture and, together with other important components such as visits by neighbours, has been applied successfully.[citation needed] in 1866, a proposal came to the New York State Legislature to establish a separate mental hospital for chronically mentally ill patients. Some hospitals placed chronic patients in separate wings, wards or in different buildings.[127]

In"the mind that finds itself" (1908), Clifford Whittingham describes the humiliating treatment and deplorable conditions he suffered at the Beers mental hospital.[128] a year later, a small group of reform-minded people and scientists (including beers himself) established the National Committee on Mental Hygiene (NCMH), which marked the beginning of the “mental hygiene” movement. The move highlighted the importance of preventive practices in childhood.I. World War II catalyzed this thinking with an emphasis on the effect of nonconformity, which convinced hygienists that it was the only practical approach to dealing with mental health problems.[129] however, prevention failed, especially in chronic diseases; poor conditions in hospitals were even more common, especially when the number of chronic patients was under pressure and the impact of the economic crisis.[125]

In 1961, the Joint Commission on mental health published a report called Action for Mental Health, with the aim of social clinical care to bear the burden of preventing and early intervention of mental illness , leaving room for severe and severe chronic patients in hospitals. The courts have begun to decide whether to force the treatment to be left to the patient's own will.In 1977, 650 community mental health centers were built to cover 43 percent of the population and serve 1.9 million people a year, with treatment times reduced from 6 months to just 23 days.[130] however, there were still problems. Because of inflation, especially in the 1970s, public nursing homes received less money to support the care and treatment provided. Less than half of the planned centers were created, and the new methods could not replace the old approaches to fulfill the capacity to use full force.[130] Furthermore, the community's housing system is not fully established to support patient housing, professional opportunities, income support and other benefits.[125] many patients have returned to social and criminal justice institutions, and the number of homeless people has multiplied. The de-institutionalization movement faced great challenges.[131]

Changing the location of mental health services from state hospitals to nursing homes are inadequate in practice once you are aware of the idea of kurumsuzlastirma, 1975 National Institute of mental health to establish a comprehensive mental health service to the communities of mentally ill patients to be successfully integrated into society and to help provide funding for the social support program (CSP) was created. The programme highlighted the importance of medical care as well as other support including housing, living expenses, employment, transport and education; and it set a new national priority for people with severe mental disorders. In addition, Congress enacted the Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 to prioritize the service provided to mental patients and to emphasize the expansion of services beyond clinical care alone.[132] in the late 1980s, under the influence of Congress and the Supreme Court, many programs began to help patients regain their rights to health care benefits. A new Medicaid Service was also set up to serve people diagnosed with” chronic mental illness." Help and care were also provided to those who were temporarily hospitalized, and a pre-discharge program was created so that people could apply to return to their former state before being discharged.[130] it was not until 1990, nearly 35 years after the start of de-institutionalization, that the first public hospital began to close. The number of hospitals fell from about 300 to 40 in the 1990s, and finally the Mental Health Report showed the effectiveness of mental health tedvi by providing a range of treatments for patients to choose from.[132]

However, some critics hold the view that de-institutionalization is a complete failure from a mental health perspective. The seriously mentally ill are either homeless or in prison; in both cases (especially the latter), they receive little or no mental health care. Although this failure is to some extent attributed to a number of reasons for which there is a difference of opinion, there is a general consensus that community support programs are decisively ineffective due to a lack of funds.[131]

The 2011 national prevention Strategy, in the future, the U.S. preventive mental health practices will increase the possibility to be included in mental health policies, mental and emotional wellbeing and early intervention programme also contained proposals for better parenting issues.[41] [page specify] the National Institute of Mental Health only conducts suicide and HIV/AIDS prevention research, but the National Prevention Strategy may lead it to focus more broadly on longitudinal prevention studies.[133] [source could not be verified]

In 2013, United States Representative Timothy F. Murphy introduced assisted families (HR2646) in the Mental Health Crisis Act. Significant revisions were made to the bipartisan bill and it was reintroduced in 2015 by Murphy and Congressman Eddie Bernice Johnson. In November 2015, it passed the Health Subcommittee by a vote of 18-12.[citation needed]

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