The Ark of the covenant is a sacred Ark made of acacia wood, covered with gold inside and outside. On the cover of the Ark are two figures of Angels. In the holy books (Qur'an, Bible, Torah) and some sacred texts, the Ark is mentioned. According to some sources, the ark was personally A Prophet. By Moses, according to some sources, the Prophet. By Belasel and Oholiab in accordance with the instructions of Moses, M.He.It was built in 1513.

The Ark of the covenant was made by the command of God. The purpose of the construction of the Ark is to create a prophet by God.It is to preserve the 10 Commandments given to Moses, which are written on two stone slabs. 10 The Commandments are a covenant between God and the Children of Israel. For this reason, The Ark is called The Ark of Covenant. Also, in Chapter 25:22 of the Bible, God said, "I will meet you there, between the Angels on the Ark of the Covenant, on the cover of forgiveness, and I will give you orders for the Israelites." For this reason, in Judaism, The Ark of the Covenant is the place where God was physically found, and its importance is great.

When the ark of the covenant was made, it contained only 10 Commandments tablets. Subsequently Hz. Aaron's staff and a golden jar of mana (nutritious food sent by God on the journey of the Children of Israel through the desert) were added. According to sources, asa and mana were later removed from the coffer.

In many conspiracy theories, The Ark of the Covenant is shown as an object with great powers. According to some theories, it is a weapon, and according to some, it is the key to a gate. During the conquests, the Israelites carried the Ark of the covenant with them and used it as a motivator in wars. Despite this, they have suffered great defeats in some Wars. Most experts who have conducted research on the Ark of the covenant say, "if they had great powers, the Children of Israel would not have been defeated in any war."they are saying.

The Ark of the covenant has been missing for almost 2,000 years. M.S.In 63, the Roman General Pompey reported that the chest was missing after his examinations of the temples of Jerusalem. No news has been received from the chest since then. According to Christianity, the Prophet.A new agreement has been made with the sacrifice of Jesus. According to this agreement, people who have dedicated their hearts to God will be forgiven. According to Christianity, since a new agreement was made, the Ark of the Covenant completed its mission and was taken to heaven.

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